ISMNZ (International Student Ministries of New Zealand) is a faith mission and each worker, from Campus Worker to Operations Manager to National Director, is responsible for establishing their own financial support. Many of our workers are bi-vocational volunteers (working full or part time in other employment and volunteering their time and lives to the ministry). However, for those who believe God has called them to full or part time mission with ISMNZ, they look to God to meet their financial needs by donations.
Those who are faith funded are supported by gifts from interested friends, churches and trusts. In many cases, gifts come from individuals who have been spiritually helped through the ministry of ISMNZ workers. Others support the work because they too are committed to the vision of raising up international workers for overseas.
We are prayerfully excited to see who God will bring to take up the following roles with ISMNZ:
Expression of Interest (EOI)
Tell us about yourself. Please answer all questions.
Thank you for your interest. We endeavour to contact with you in five working days.