Impacting Nations
Our desire is to see international students become lifelong followers of Jesus, whether they return to their home country or remain in New Zealand. We want to see them mature into influencers for the kingdom of God in whatever sector they will serve - business, education, or government - showing the love and grace of Christ and making a positive contribution wherever they go.
ISMNZ equips international students through:
Discipleship Studies: our team can teach you how to disciple others according to your context: home culture, multi-cultural, bi-lingual... let us help you develop your disciple making abilities.
God's Workmanship: helping you to discover how God has uniquely created you to serve His Kingdom through spiritual gifts, strengths and talents, personality, personal values and evangelism style.
Helping you develop a clear vision and understanding of how to do ministry amongst international students in New Zealand.
ISMNZ assists graduates through:
ISMNZ Ministry Internship Programmes
Graduates of New Zealand universities have the opportunity to remain in New Zealand for one or two years as a part of the Supervised Ministry Internship and Supervised Ministry Leadership Internship Programmes. This is a great opportunity to grow in Christ: increasing Biblical understanding and experiencing growth in serving Him.
Check out our Ministry Internship Programme.
Alumni Network Ministries
- Remaining:
- Returning:
- Relocating:
Helping to face adjustments to the work or postgrad study environment in New Zealand.
Preparing for the return to home nations and making connections at home.
For those who will migrate to another nation for further study/career.